- ActivRobots - Makers of the Pioneer family of robots (previously called MobileRobots)
- Ageia - Makers of the PhysX engine used in the MRDS Simulator
- Aldebaran - Makers of the Nao humaoid robot
- Anycom - Suppliers of Bluetooth dongles
- Atmel - Manufacturers of the ATmega and AVR microcontrollers
- Ben Axelrod - Home Page of Ben Axelrod, a keen MRDS developer who worked on the original code for the Scribbler
- Blender - Open Source 3D Modelling Package
- Broadcom - Suppliers of Bluetooth products and the WIDCOMM software
- CCR User Guide
- Channel 9 - "Sandpit" for posting code
- Concurrent Affairs - Tutorial on the CCR in MSDN Magazine
- Conscious Robots - Web site of Raúl Arrabales Moreno with code for the Pioneer 3DX
- CoroBot - Four-wheeled robot from CoroWare
- Devantech - Suppliers of robots and parts
- Devantech MSRS Code - Code project for Devantech hardware by Chris Kilner
- DSSP Specification - Public definition of the protocol for DSS
- DSS User Guide
- Dynamic Drive - Web site for JavaScript code examples
- eBox-2300 Jump Start Kit - Packaged kit for using an embedded PC with MRDS
- Gumstix - Small Linux-based embedded systems. Also see the Robostix board.
- Heathkit HE-RObot - Another version of the White Box 914 PCBOT
- HiTechnic - Manufacturers of sensors for the LEGO NXT
- Hyperfocal Design - Commercial bitmap images for use on the skydome in the Simulator
- ICOP - Manufacturers of the eBox-2300 used in the Sumo robot
- Innovative Experiment Co. - Manufacturers of the ZX-Bluetooth module
- Inverse Kinematics - Kinematics for Lynx L6 Arm by Mike Keesling
- Inverse Kinematics - Kinematics for Lynx L6 Arm by Hoon Hong
- Inverse Kinematics - Kinematics for Lynx L6 Arm by Laurent Gay
- IPRE (Institute for Personal Robots in Education) - Project aimed at using Robotics to teach Computer Science
- iRobot - Manufacturer of the Roomba and Create robots
- JavaScript Tutorial - W3Schools tutorial on JavaScript (lots of other tutorials too)
- K-Team - Manufacturers of the Hemisson robot
- Kuka Educational Framework - Tutorials for robotic arms from Kuka
- Lynxmotion - Manufacturers of the L6 Robotic Arm
- LEGO Mindstorms - Information on LEGO NXT
- Madebits Process Explorer - Useful tool for managing processes on PDAs
- Microchip Technology - Manufacturers of PIC microcontrollers
- Microsoft Downloads Page - Most downloads can be found by searching on this page
- MRDS Community Page
- MRDS Discussion Forum
- MRDS Documentation
- MRDS Downloads Page
- MRDS Sumo Package
- .NET Reflector - Allows you to explore .NET assemblies
- OOPic - Microcontrollers made by Savage Innovations that feature an Object-Oriented design
- Parallax - Makers of the Boe-Bot and Scribbler robots
- PAVE - Princeton Autonomous Vehicle Engineering entry in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge
- PICAXE - Microcontrollers made by Revolution Education based on Microchip PIC family
- PicBlok - Makers of the Integrator robot
- Quaternions - Used for 3D rotations, Quaternions form a 4-dimensional normed division algebra over the real numbers. (Does that make sense to anyone?)
- RoboCup - Robotics Competition
- Robo-Magellan - Competition run by the Seattle Robotics Society
- RoboRealm - Computer Vision package that works with MRDS
- Robosoft Robubox - Robosoft web site for MRDS
- RoboticsConnection - Maufacturers of the Stinger and Traxster robots
- RobuDog - Simulated robot dog
- Roomba Dev Tools - Development tools, including the RooTooth, for the Roomba
- Schemas - schemas.microsoft.com is not a real web site! It is used in Contract Identifiers. schemas.tempuri.org does not exist either.
- Sena Technologies - Maker of the Parani Bluetooth adapters
- Subjugator - Underwater autonomous vehicle
- Sumo Robot - Instructions for building a Sumo robot based on the iRobot Create
- Surveyor Corp - Makers of the SRV-1 tracked robot with onboard camera
- UBot-5 - Balancing robot from University of Massachusetts (Amherst)
- Vex Robotics Design System - Vex robots created by Innovation First
- Vex Robotics MSRS Code - Code project for Vex hardware
- Video Card Information - Provides data on video card compatibility
- ViewDssDeployContents - Program for viewing what is inside a DssDeploy package
- Visual C# Express - A free version of C# for personal use
- VOLTS-IQ - Computer Vision package for MRDS
- White Box Robotics - Makers of the 914 PCBOT (MRDS software still in development)
- Wiimote Library for .NET - How a Wii controller can be used with MRDS
- Windows Embedded Home Page - Home page for Microsoft embedded operating systems
- Windows Embedded CE Home Page - Home page for WinCE (the Compact Framework, CF, environment)
- WROX - The publishers of this book
- XNA Framework APIs Forum - One of several discussion forums about XNA
- XNA Game Studio Express - Free package for developers of XNA games
- XNA Home Page
- XSLT Definition - The definitive word on XSLT from the World Wide Web Consortium
- ZigBee Radio - Short-range, low-cost communications similar to Bluetooth
'Technote > Microsoft RoboticsStudio' 카테고리의 다른 글
Robochamps Sumo Challenge (0) | 2008.12.06 |
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